네트워크 사용량 구하는 예제 그냥사는 이야기
2009/08/04 14:03
#ifdef WIN32 # define CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC # include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <pdh.h> #include <windows.h> #ifndef __cplusplus # define bool int # define true 1 # define false 0 #endif #pragma comment(lib, "pdh.lib") typedef enum ETH_QUERY_TYPE { EQT_CURRENT_BANDWIDTH = 0, EQT_BYTES_RECV_PER_SEC = 1, EQT_BYTES_SENT_PER_SEC = 2, EQT_PACKET_RECV_PER_SEC = 3, EQT_PACKET_SENT_PER_SEC = 4, EQT_COUNT = 5 } ETH_QUERY_TYPE; typedef struct Eth { char *m_pszName; HQUERY m_hQuery; HCOUNTER m_hCounter[EQT_COUNT]; unsigned long m_ulBandwidth; unsigned long m_ulBytesRecvPerSec; unsigned long m_ulBytesSentPerSec; unsigned long m_ulPacketRecvPerSec; unsigned long m_ulPacketSentPerSec; } Eth; typedef struct EthList { int m_nCount; Eth *m_pEth; } EthList; bool OpenEthList(EthList *ethList) { int i = 0; bool bErr = false; char *szCur = NULL; char *szBuff = NULL; char *szNet = NULL; DWORD dwBuffSize = 0, dwNetSize = 0; char szCounter[256]; if ( ethList == NULL ) return false; memset(ethList, 0x00, sizeof(EthList)); // calculate buffer size PdhEnumObjectItems (NULL, NULL, "Network Interface", szBuff, &dwBuffSize, szNet, &dwNetSize, PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD, 0); if ( (szBuff = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * dwBuffSize)) == NULL ) { return false; } if ( (szNet = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * dwNetSize)) == NULL ) { free(szBuff); return false; } if ( PdhEnumObjectItems (NULL, NULL, "Network Interface", szBuff, &dwBuffSize, szNet, &dwNetSize, PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD, 0) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { free(szBuff); free(szNet); return false; } for (szCur = szNet, i = 0; *szCur != 0; szCur += lstrlen(szCur) + 1, i++) { // Just count how many network interface is exist. } if ( i <= 0 ) { free(szBuff); free(szNet); return false; } ethList->m_nCount = i; ethList->m_pEth = (Eth *)malloc(sizeof(Eth) * i); memset(ethList->m_pEth, 0x00, sizeof(Eth) * i); for (szCur = szNet, i = 0; *szCur != 0; szCur += lstrlen(szCur) + 1, i++) { Eth *eth = ðList->m_pEth[i]; eth->m_pszName = strdup(szCur); if( PdhOpenQuery(NULL, 0, ð->m_hQuery) ) { bErr = true; break; } sprintf(szCounter,"\\Network Interface(%s)\\Current Bandwidth", eth->m_pszName); if ( PdhAddCounter(eth->m_hQuery, szCounter, 0, ð->m_hCounter[EQT_CURRENT_BANDWIDTH]) ) { bErr = true; break; } sprintf(szCounter, "\\Network Interface(%s)\\Bytes Received/sec", eth->m_pszName); if ( PdhAddCounter(eth->m_hQuery, szCounter, 0, ð->m_hCounter[EQT_BYTES_RECV_PER_SEC]) ) { bErr = true; break; } sprintf(szCounter, "\\Network Interface(%s)\\Bytes Sent/sec", eth->m_pszName); if ( PdhAddCounter(eth->m_hQuery, szCounter, 0, ð->m_hCounter[EQT_BYTES_SENT_PER_SEC]) ) { bErr = true; break; } sprintf(szCounter, "\\Network Interface(%s)\\Packets Received/sec", eth->m_pszName); if ( PdhAddCounter(eth->m_hQuery, szCounter, 0, ð->m_hCounter[EQT_PACKET_RECV_PER_SEC]) ) { bErr = true; break; } sprintf(szCounter, "\\Network Interface(%s)\\Packets Sent/sec", eth->m_pszName); if ( PdhAddCounter(eth->m_hQuery, szCounter, 0, ð->m_hCounter[EQT_PACKET_SENT_PER_SEC]) ) { bErr = true; break; } } if (szBuff != NULL) free (szBuff); if (szNet != NULL) free (szNet); if ( bErr ) return false; return true; } bool QueryEthUsage(Eth *eth) { HCOUNTER hCounter = NULL; PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE v; if ( eth == NULL ) return false; if ( PdhCollectQueryData(eth->m_hQuery) ) { return false; } v.longValue = 0; PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(eth->m_hCounter[EQT_CURRENT_BANDWIDTH], PDH_FMT_LONG, 0, &v); eth->m_ulBandwidth = v.longValue; v.longValue = 0; PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(eth->m_hCounter[EQT_BYTES_RECV_PER_SEC], PDH_FMT_LONG, 0, &v); eth->m_ulBytesRecvPerSec = v.longValue; v.longValue = 0; PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(eth->m_hCounter[EQT_BYTES_SENT_PER_SEC], PDH_FMT_LONG, 0, &v); eth->m_ulBytesSentPerSec = v.longValue; v.longValue = 0; PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(eth->m_hCounter[EQT_PACKET_RECV_PER_SEC], PDH_FMT_LONG, 0, &v); eth->m_ulPacketRecvPerSec = v.longValue; v.longValue = 0; PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(eth->m_hCounter[EQT_PACKET_SENT_PER_SEC], PDH_FMT_LONG, 0, &v); eth->m_ulPacketSentPerSec = v.longValue; return true; } void CloseEthList(EthList *ethList) { if ( ethList != NULL ) { int i = 0, j = 0; for ( i = 0; i < ethList->m_nCount; i++ ) { Eth *eth = ðList->m_pEth[i]; free(eth->m_pszName); for ( j = 0; j < EQT_COUNT; j++ ) { if ( eth->m_hCounter[j] != NULL ) { PdhRemoveCounter(eth->m_hCounter[j]); eth->m_hCounter[j] = NULL; } } PdhCloseQuery(eth->m_hQuery); eth->m_hQuery = NULL; } free(ethList->m_pEth); memset(ethList, 0x00, sizeof(EthList)); } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i = 0; time_t tLast = time(0) + 20; EthList ethList; _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF | _CRTDBG_DELAY_FREE_MEM_DF); if ( OpenEthList(ðList) <= 0 ) { printf("fail to load ethernet list\n"); } while ( time(0) < tLast ) { for ( i = 0; i < ethList.m_nCount; i++ ) { Eth *e = ðList.m_pEth[i]; if ( !QueryEthUsage(e) ) break; printf("%s\n", e->m_pszName); printf("bandwidth %ld\n", e->m_ulBandwidth); printf("bytes recv/sec %ld\n", e->m_ulBytesRecvPerSec); printf("bytes sent/sec %ld\n", e->m_ulBytesSentPerSec); printf("packet recv/sec %ld\n", e->m_ulPacketRecvPerSec); printf("packet sent/sec %ld\n", e->m_ulPacketSentPerSec); } Sleep(1000); system("cls"); } CloseEthList(ðList); _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); return 0; } 작성하신분 불펌해서 지송요~[출처] 네트워크 사용량 구하는 예제|작성자 홍군
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