HTMLDocumentEvents2 Dispinterface - 다큐먼트 이벤트 아이디 기타 등등 참조

디버그정 2008. 9. 17. 14:18
HTMLDocumentEvents2 Dispinterface

This dispinterface provides a connection point so that an application or control can intercept events fired by a document object.

HTMLDocumentEvents2 Members

Event name Description #define for the event (for use when implementing IDispatch::Invoke)
onafterupdate Fires on a databound object after successfully updating the associated data in the data source object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONAFTERUPDATE
onbeforeactivate Fires immediately before the object is set as the active element. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONBEFOREACTIVATE
onbeforeeditfocus Fires before an object contained in an editable element enters a UI-activated state or when an editable container object is control selected. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONBEFOREEDITFOCUS
onbeforeupdate Fires on a databound object before updating the associated data in the data source object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONBEFOREUPDATE
oncellchange Fires when data changes in the data provider. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONCELLCHANGE
onclick Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONCLICK
oncontextmenu Fires when the user clicks the right mouse button in the client area, opening the context menu. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONCONTEXTMENU
ondataavailable Fires periodically as data arrives from data source objects that asynchronously transmit their data. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONDATAAVAILABLE
ondatasetchanged Fires when the data set exposed by a data source object changes. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONDATASETCHANGED
ondatasetcomplete Fires to indicate that all data is available from the data source object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONDATASETCOMPLETE
ondblclick Fires when the user double-clicks the object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONDBLCLICK
ondragstart Fires on the source object when the user starts to drag a text selection or selected object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONDRAGSTART
onerrorupdate Fires on a databound object when an error occurs while updating the associated data in the data source object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONERRORUPDATE
onfocusin Fires for an element just prior to setting focus on that element. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONFOCUSIN
onfocusout Fires for the current element with focus immediately after moving focus to another element. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONFOCUSOUT
onhelp Fires when the user presses the F1 key while the browser is the active window. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONHELP
onkeydown Fires when the user presses a key. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONKEYDOWN
onkeypress Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONKEYPRESS
onkeyup Fires when the user releases a key. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONKEYUP
onmousedown Fires when the user clicks the object with either mouse button. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONMOUSEDOWN
onmousemove Fires when the user moves the mouse over the object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONMOUSEMOVE
onmouseout Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONMOUSEOUT
onmouseover Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONMOUSEOVER
onmouseup Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONMOUSEUP
onmousewheel Fires when the wheel button is rotated. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONMOUSEWHEEL
onpropertychange Fires when a property changes on the object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONPROPERTYCHANGE
onreadystatechange Fires when the state of the object has changed. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONREADYSTATECHANGE
onrowenter Fires to indicate that the current row has changed in the data source and new data values are available on the object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONROWENTER
onrowexit Fires just before the data source control changes the current row in the object. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONROWEXIT
onrowsdelete Fires when rows are about to be deleted from the recordset. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONROWSDELETE
onrowsinserted Fires just after new rows are inserted in the current recordset. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONROWSINSERTED
onselectionchange Fires when the selection state of a document changes. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONSELECTIONCHANGE
onselectstart Fires when the object is being selected. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONSELECTSTART
onstop Fires when the user clicks the Stop button or leaves the Web page. DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONSTOP

Interface Information

Stock Implementation mshtml.dll
Custom Implementation Yes
Header and IDL files mshtml.h, mshtml.idl
Minimum availability Internet Explorer 4.0
Minimum operating systems Windows 95 , Windows NT 4.0 , Windows CE 4.0